
Thursday, March 26, 2009

My classroom

Legends have it that to become a notorious boy you got to be a back bencher. But for me... I have abandoned this theory and so have the other mechies of my kind. Ironically,for the rest of the world of course, those students ardently devoted to study prefer back benches. While those sapients who think they know everything, in fact enough to write a book of there own, and are sitting in class just to cross check the professor, saddle the front row
Last but not the least, guys like me who would choose Nazi concentration camp over attending classes swarm the intermediate benches. So this is how the mechanical class looks like every single day... in other words "the sitting arrangement which is governed by Darwin's theory of natural selection... in fact we are so much organised in sitting arrangements that one of our professors got annoyed... well we don't see any reason for annoyance but then nobody has got balls to ask him either....

Monday, March 23, 2009

back to scribbling...

It's been a long time again since i have blogged any post. After all besides a writer i m an engineer as well.. however undergraduate and of course an inefficient one as per my calculations.. you know that no-one-is perfect theorem, so i cannot invest all my time to blogging. Especially after the majors seeping in i m really horrified, and day after day the fear is accentuating. i feel more like a chicken in a poultry and less like a human being.
To console myself i believe... tough times never last but tough people do, that's my motto. Let's get back to the blog. Since i m an amateur writer still in it's baby stage so i m learning and from this blog onwards i will not use the real name of people i confront in my life and arbitrary letters instead coz then they won't feel offended if they chance to visit my blog...
this means all previous blogs containing denunciations and mockeries will be expurgated. i m sorry about it... but i preferred it over replacing the names under my new naming rules. Anyway i believe they were of no interest to you.
So here is my first story dedicated to Mr. J, a good friend of mine.However a jolly guy but as a branch mate he is not so co-operative, not because he doesn't want to help anybody but he prefers the Bargad ka ped over attending classes. However for the last couple of weeks he is regular in class and the credit goes to a few of our intimidating professors. Now what brings this guy on top of my post???
it's because of a report in the newspaper i just finished folding that reminded me of him. i am amazed that people have got such speculations...!!! Earlier i had an opinion that lack of education is the root cause of every criminal instincts and misconceptions of course, but now i have a different one...!!
Being attached emotionally to a state which has been incorrectly blotted as the battle-ground of communal unrest, i never really had any discrimination for any community. But the truth is that i m just a man in a nation of 1.1 billion people which means as many different opinions on this issue. Of course the Brits are to be blamed for the rift in our society which we claim to have overcome in last 62 years of independence. No doubt we might have achieved it officially, but as a matter of fact the intellectual part is incomplete yet. Who shall we blame it for??? The politicians of course, you will say,yes, but then have you got no conscience of your that any darn wolf can entice you to his lair??? The problem with Indians is that we remember things that we shouldn't and haunt our selves with the memories of past. It's like carrying the carcasses of Mr."history" who is dead long ago, on our head , blaming Mr. "present" for the foul smell and longing for a grand welcome at Mr. "future" 's house.
i recall the words of a famous Indian diplomat, "In India one of the lessons that we learn from the history is that sometimes history teaches you wrong lessons."
To our dismay nobody is bothered and my Mom says why should i??? As a matter of hope i rarely listen to my mom.....