
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

biggest gameplayer

When I talk of true bargaining it's not the Indian Market that pops in my mind. Of course it did, a couple of years back, but now I have a contender in my mind : our very own UPA govt. Recently when the cut motion that was put forward by opposition a whole new drama came into picture. Mayawati, who had filed an application for withdrawal of case against her disproportionate assets, decided to support the Govt immedietely after the CBI accepted the plea(1). Amazingly the Shashinath Jha murder case is also lagging on dates for the last couple of times, owing to various reasons like absence of Soren, transfer of judges and few more uncanny yet obvious reasons(2). Moreover, since Soren had no reasons to call BJP as a communal party, since they have an alliance in Jharkhand, he coined an excuse which is no wiser than 'dog ate my home-work' . The story recurred few years back when Shibu Soren was released from prison, where he was confined under life sentence, in a bargain of supporting UPA govt.
So accept it, either UPA always reserves some poker chips for the 'fair' play or the Govt is really unscathed from the modern tactics of policies and always achieves a victory by the scruples
1) http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Maya-U-turn-came-after-CBI-backtracked/articleshow/5865919.cms
2) http://www.indianexpress.com/news/2-days-before-ruling-on-soren-judge-opts-out-murder-case-transferred/607641/

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