1130 hrs
Once again with heavy hearts we will immerse her.. MAA DURGA....
Even though being assured that she will return again in forthcoming year and so on..
Our eyes go wet, hearts are heavy, yet we smile, for the moment of joy.
we smile for the four days of exuberance, amuses and celebration.
Every single day, every single eve, we live the moment. We know not the reason. Perhaps because somewhere we are acquainted to our immortality and wish to squeeze the moment to imbibe every single drop of nectar.
Even after being with buddies like chhotu, magga, binty, amit, ghost, psycho, mukherjee, sarkar, DSR, suneel, sapru, manish, un-Shutup etc. life seemed to be ephemeral. These moments shall remain engraved in my heart forever.
I am no pessimist but who knows ... these people may not be here, in Bhopal, for a celebration in the forthcoming year which is "hopefully"
I shall miss these moments, I shall miss Strawberry a.k.a. California Orange a.k.a. Choco-Blast, I shall miss the surveillance we performed before every batch of Bhog, we might even forget the count of how many crush Vishwanath had in these days, we will miss sourabh mukjherjee's s*****b***i...( and her famous words "ki bhaalo gaao tumi...pooochu koochu.. koochi koo") yes these days will never come back... But hope so not for Strawberry...