One more year went by, with the world treading across great topsy-turvy paths. The entire European Union still crying foul over recession and devising plans which are, as if The God wants so, turning out to be futile (as I write this blog, a guy jumped off the railings in a European state assembly to protest against the salary cuts in their country). Nonetheless, our country experienced another year of shock and awe as well, with commodity prices burning holes in our pockets. That wasn’t enough so fuel prices were deregulated literally adding fuel to the fire. When there was no pocket left to burn a hole in, the entire trouser was flamed, leaving us naked, by scandals, ranging from sex to money, affecting so many things starting from telecom, sports, economy and even politics. Still we lived and are happy as ever, just like the poor naked kid, whose house is washed away by floods, but still dances, I must emphasise naked, and enjoys the rain.
So I am one of the 1.4 billion naked kids, who have found a couple of reasons to spend another year in this country, unlike the boy in front of my house who, just 2 days ago, chose the eternal sleep instead, however in a not so glorified way. So as you read this, my friend, my foe or a person I hardly know, whoever you are, I must appreciate you for choosing to fight instead of giving up.
The year started with the same panicking that we finished the year 2009 with, ‘Placements!!!’ The panicking was justified for people like us, garlanded with not-so-good-not-so-bad array of grades, and with the recession further adding spice to the recipe of trauma and apathy. In contrast to what I thought, I got placed as soon as the placement window opened and that too in a respectable company with a respectable salary. The interesting part about my placement is that I had lost an Internship opportunity in the same company just 5 months ago. If this doesn't sound interesting then let me tell you that my call letter was signed by the same guy who flunked me in the telephone interview for the same internship. This was not the only defeat I faced. I, rather we, lost the BAJA SAE qualifying round. But all these defeats were actually a foundation to the underlying success ahead. Had I been selected for internship, I might have become complacent during the Job interview. The BAJA for that matter was coinciding with a lot of important things that needed priority. This appeared as if a part of a divine conspiracy. I suspect that, as a part of this divine conspiracy, I came across so many things for the first time in this cosmic drama...(No I didn’t get laid... so don’t ask this question as you always do). I faced my first ever telephonic Interview, my first ever Job Interview, my first ever Job offer, my pointers exceeding 8.5 for the first time, my first project that got completed and so many other first times. I also proposed someone for the first time. For the first time I got confused between what I really needed and what I wanted. A guy who could speak about anything at any level of candidness, failed to express himself for the first time. Other than this, I got 5 ptr in a subject for the first time. We got our own BHOPALI-MALL for the first time, thanks to DB corp. And for the first time, thanks to the same Mall, that we Bhopalis came to believe that there are really HOT Girls in the city.
All in all, the year was totally great for me. I was destined to meet so many old friends this year. Make a journey to Ahmadabad after 11 yrs. I explored my own identity in a different manner. And most important of all, I felt so lucky for the first time. In contrast to my usual sceptic ideologies I found a great fun in superstitions this year. Number 6 is still lucky for me. A complete year has never been so great in my whole life. I guess an entire book will be insufficient to express my heart, and if I tell that to everyone it might turn my fortune the other way around.(see I am superstitious again)