I know I am not getting regular with my blog....
But i can't help it. I've learned what a diary should look like so i won't be sharing gibberish conversations. So my dear friends I'll be penning only those instances which somehow somewhere will always remain engraved in my heart.
As for today it was my first day in college as a 2nd yr student and so the things went normal as it does on first day of any academic session. I returned home at 3:40 PM, I guess and had a sane conversation, some may call it a debate with Shrutika Singh, a great friend of mine. She is an intellectual being, but maintains an aura around her. So many people find difficulty in testifying her. It might appear quite immaterial to you why am i describing that girl !! It's because then it will be easy for you to innovate a conclusion to this battle between an agnostic and a theist.
It began with my profile introduction on a social networking site "orkut". And soon it evolved into a debate whether God exists or not.
Before I begin with our discussion I have an incidence to narrate. An year ago when I was totally exhausted with the things happening to me, I had declared Him to be non existent. But then Rahul Lalwani, a close friend of mine, preached me, "if you don't get what you want then remember god has something better for you... i never disbelief him... whatever situations are bestowed upon me.."
It was a brain wash for me and again I started believing in God. But today yet again someone sneaked into my mind and questioned my trust on Him.
She said “God is just a way to hide your deficiencies that you cannot explain a particular phenomenon…It’s just an innovation of a crippled brain”
Then my answer was that god is just a feeling that somewhere somebody is there for you. It gives you an inner strength that the task you have under your sleeves will accomplish. Moreover, I added that science can explain most of the things but for everything else, He is there. Ever thought what is the reason behind you being yourself,why do we sometimes feel as if things were preplanned… and many more questions.Regading this her reply was that it’s only a cloak to hide our debilities.
I believe that He has created this world under a fixed set of rules. That’s why I adhere to Einstein’s ideology” God never plays dice…!!” It’s incomplete and I‘ve added
“God never plays dice…!! But won’t let you know his move either”
The debate ended inconclusive and I went out for a stroll.
When I returned I took the Times Of India and started reading the editorial page. But then I don’t know why, but I switched to an older issue of TOI and found something interesting
I m pasting the link and the matter along with to solve any ambiguities..
Does God exist or not? Man has been posing this question for thousands of years. The question itself is the child of a confrontation: between those who believe and others who don't. But, what's the truth? Before answering this question, one needs to understand how the concept called God has come to play such a dominant role in man's life.
Let us begin with understanding our gods, the Hindu God, the Muslim God, the Christian God to mention a few. Every one of these gods is omnipotent.
They're supposed to have performed miracles and saved huma-nity from crises in the distant past. Believers who look up to them will tell you their gods still have the capacity to perform such feats. So, psychologically speaking, it seems man is ready to bestow anyone with the status of a god if He can save him from trouble.
Hence, it wouldn't be wrong to assume gods are the children of misery. For, a happy man who celebrates every moment of his life would hardly require any god.
He needs God only when life metes out a raw deal. So, ironically, it won't be an exaggeration to say, gods and Maoists thrive on the same soil: the soil from which the plants of poverty, famine, pestilence greed and war sprout. Gods can profit from their business because everything is in a state of flux.
The angry gods - pagan by nature - stand testimony to this fact. Take the case of the Hindu gods. Most of them are decorated with an array of glittering weapons.
They've multiple heads and arms to tackle hydra-headed enemies who work incessantly for the destruction of humanity. Some of them are even seen in dancing postures wearing garlands made from human skulls. Would these gods have come into being if man had lived a life of benediction?
It goes to prove our popular gods are not only the children of misery, but they're also the children of corrupt ruling classes. It's when the ruling classes fail to deliver justice that men start looking up to their Super Saviours. It's not surprising that individuals who shunned politics in favour of spirituality became the alternate leaders of the masses - shepherds like Krishna, Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed who brought along divine messages.
How does one express his gratitude to the super heroes? Certainly, by worshipping them, by creating scriptures about what they preached, and creating cults designed to attract more people to sign up. People get lured into becoming believers primarily because they are led to think that there's always going to be a saviour who will shoulder their responsibilities. Unfortunately, they don't realise that freedom comes from assuming responsibility, not shirking it. Followers, in reality, are slaves.
However, those who believe in God and those who don't are equally foolish. The believers must understand that all their gods who existed in human forms earlier have met their end over time. A dead god is not likely to revisit now and save them from their troubles. Even the old scriptures won't be of much help in the current circumstances. As for non-believers, needless to say, through their denial, they only keep God alive.
Instead of debating whether God exists or not, it's time man met the dormant God within. He can aspire to achieve this only when he stops searching for an out-of-the-world saviour. He should understand that a saviour is similar to a big banyan tree. No rosebush can grow under its expansive shadow. So, if man wants to achieve Godhood, it's time he threw his gods into the fire.
Finally I arrived to a conclusion but I need your help do post in your suggestion and ideas…
Thank you