31 july, 2009
Sometimes I feel that one of the best skills man has crafted is the skill of forgetting, as I have done. The skill that washes away undesirable memories from brain, once and forever.
As a kid I used to have a sharp memory, at least commendable enough at my level, but very soon I realized the grotesque aspect of remembering ‘facts’ and ‘instances’.
As a matter of fact, I inculcated this art of oblivion as a camouflage and fortification for my errors.
I still ‘remember’ how I convinced my teacher for a perception of me as a child with volatile memory. She was so ‘convinced’ that the following week I got punished for not submitting my assignment when I said “I forgot”. More elaborately, the punishment was in an aggravated manner, contrary to my calculation and belief, as a harvest of her frustration seeded by my stupid excuses.
This is counted as one of my most fatuous ludo-moves in a chess game.
A decade has passed and this skill of forgetting has tanned into a mature art, an art that has kept me alive. The art that kept me from drowning into the mighty blue, I just surfed through.
I am happy coz I am ashore.
I am happy coz I can now close my eyes and feel the breeze from the ocean, without any fear.
I am happy coz I have realized, better late than never, that the gleaming orb which I surfed the sea for, is far beyond my reach and has weaved into the horizon.
I have learnt a lesson… Not anymore will I swim after yet another effulgence that may rise from the lands tomorrow and float across the skies.
Coz for sure it will kiss the horizon long before I can reach there to wait for it. And once again get caught in a tempest.
It’s twilight now; my feet are spooning the sand. In a tattered shirt and drenched pair of pants, I sit down, my back towards the sea, looking at the trees, the sand and the stones. A hut stands a few yards away, the place where I lived before setting off in pursuit of an inconceivable dream. I shall go there now.
Tomorrow, I will come here and collect some oysters, for I am sure I’ll find a pearl. The best part about them… they don’t incinerate you. And that shining object i ran after... I'll 'forget' it... After all I am so good at it.