
Saturday, March 27, 2010

The new divide

Hindus were not enough so they divided Muslims... now Muslims will also have quotas according to cast. The quota privilege will exclude Syeds, Pathans, Iranis and Arabis. Seems like the general category, which is actually an excruciating minority in front of all the reserved classes put together( not including women), will have to stand and fight for its existence. The conundrum of reservation is not whether it should be sustained or not, rather whom should it be given to. I have been repeatedly supporting the idea that criterion for reservation should be money instead of progeny. If a candidate is pathetic inspite of a firm financial pillar underneath him, then why is the caste system being blamed.
Possibly 'they' want to convey that the candidate had recalled the atrocities against his forefathers just before the exams, interview or whatever he couldn't perform well in. Or maybe he was afraid that the invigilator, professor or interviewer might expel him out of the room at any time because of his origin. Or may be they have some better reason than I can think.
Whenever I mention that income should be the agency of reservation, people try to refute by mentioning the illegal proofs of income. I do admit the problem, but is there a better way to appease the unrest in unreserved class? The solution to the question just posed can be introducing strict norms while availing for reservation. We do have evasion of income tax, but still it is collected. A sub-middle class man, who has hardly any other income, and the one I advocate should cherish reservation, won't find it hard to disclose his entire incomes. Perform hard core raids where you suspect a fish, nab them and 'reward' them. Bet my money India will be a better place again.


Unknown said...

dude i am of the same opinion................as far as fake income proof is concerned there are plenty of so called people having certificates that they belong to the depleted(depleted here should be taken as defined by our politicians) class of the society but they are actually not.but actually nothing except vote bank is the main reason for existence of this quota in our country and it will always be there.....

avinash saproo said...

i too agree that income should be the only criterion for reservations...
reservation on the basis of caste creed or religion defies the basic notion of equality of people..
as far as fake certificates are concerned they are available for everything.. there is no point in holding back a good move because of that...