Lies, Myths, Half-truths and mis-interpretitions. How disasterous these words can prove to be, is no better explained as the 1984 cataclysm does. An year commemorated as an year of demise in Indian History.25 years have passed since the apocalypse, in which India nearly fell prey to anarchy and terrorism, took place. A new generation, to which I belong and is least affected by the ghastly incidents has emerged. Even if some of us belong to those families that confronted the riles, we are not as much in pain as our elders were at that time. Our Country witnessed a tough time and paid a heavy price for it. History can not be repaired, nor do we have any tool to verify it's veracity. Is it a truth or a charade, can never be known. All we can do is look for the factual and unbiased narrations of those incidents, if exists any. I chanced to read one such book on the 1984 "Golden Temple-mayhem", compiled by Lt Gen K.S. Brar(Retd). At the time of the operation he was a Lt Col and commanding officer of the operation.The author has meticulously explained every incident that occured in the wake of the incident- the ineptitude of Govt in nipping the threat in bud, the bureaucratic and judicial failures, the predicaments of Govt while taking the costly decision and the catch-22 situations the Indian Army was in and later was docked in after the operation was over.It will be very interesting to mention (from the book) that Bhindranwale was oiled by Zail Singh with patronage. Furthermore, the akalis found their own self in a free state Khalistan. So they never spoke against the antagonist of this whole drama, besides his fears paralysing them as well. Bhindranwale, along with Shabeg Singh, A retd. armyman and war hero of 1971, conjured up a plan of fortifying the Golden Temple to use it to clamour for autonomy. This was already being fueled by Master Tara Singh's campaign of recognition of Sikhs as a seperate community and seperate state of Punjabi Suba. Situation worsened in due course of time when Bhindranwale and his followers were intransigent in their demands and kept washing off any threat that sprouted. The cold blooded killing of Hind Samachar Editor Lala Jagat Narain, and DIG A.S. Atwal near the temple premises followed by the ineptitude of Govt. to arrest the perpetrators further added to their courage and the circumstances were totally out of control by then. In the meanwhile the Golden Temple was being turned into a bastion. Ridiculously however, the news that spread all over the country condemns the Indian Army for encroaching the dignity of Golden Temple, overlooking the acts of disgrace commited dauntlessly by the millitants. It was,however, the fault of strong and uncontrolled sentiments of people with the fuel of the miscommunication propagated by Media that the millitants were looked as martyrs while the Army was perceived as culprit.
In my whole life I have never chanced to read such a live and vivid description of an Army operation to the most precise detail. Brar, impartially confesses the mistakes commited by Govt. and Army while weeding out the terrorists. The writer personally believes that freezing the free press was the biggest mistake by the Govt since this gave rise to incoherent speculations which in turn raved up the sentiments. The entire operation of flushing out millitants has been explained from planning to execution, the dramatic situations that sprouted meanwhile, and the accurate description of emotions of people. This is one book of historical significance that will five you goosebumps for sure.The writer, in preface of the book, hopes this book to be useful for understanding the historical event of biblical proportions, and after reading this book I am sure that it will.
i must congratulate you my friend for providing me a deep epitome of this book which now i would for sure like to read. I have always supported this thought that religion has created more problems for us than it has solved and the tumultuous events of 1984 were no different. sometimes i feel that govt should take stringent actions like those taken in iran against the hooligans and those who lack conscience and behave in such clamorous manners leaving a blot on our country's history for ever. Nice post.
you know that sikhs always saved hindu .... don't forget that when muslims convert hindus religion at that time sikh came in front nd then they had fight only for hindus .......... if now anyone attack on sikhs then sikhs will kill each nd everyone who were against sikhs...... nd one thing more nearly 18000 soldiers killed nd 19000 soldiers wounded in operation blue star..... there is only few sikhs..
As most people know that Lt. Gen K.S Brar, (Gen. of Indian Army under whose command Army attacked Golden Temple) is suffering from cancer. His son has also died...
According to a news report, he has now disclosed what really happened during the Operation Blue Star. In his new book “The blue Star” – “Saka Nila Tara”, he states the following:
- Models of Harmander Sahib were built in Himachal Pardesh and Hydrabad and soldiers were trained there.
- RSS was continually putting pressure on Indira Gandhi to punish Sant Bhindranwale (Kill him) as he was daily making hundreds of Sikhs Amritdhari. This was considered to be dangerous for India. Indira Gandhi finally agreed.
- A few days before the attack, 14 GurSikh soldiers were sent to Santji with an offer of one Arab US Dollar (one Billion US Dollars) to give up by playing the drama of surrender, and then India will help him to get asylum in any country he wished and have that money. But Santji refused and after conveying the message those fourteen soldier decided to join Santji’s force also
- Gen. Brar writes that Gen Vadiya gave instructions to attack on Guru Arjan Dev’s martyrdom day to do to kill the maximum number of people – this to teach Sikhs a lesson they will remember for ever. No one is allowed to come out of the Golden temple. But do no harm to the known Akalis who would be inside the temple.
- Gen Vadiya also issued instruction that the soldiers were free to attack any building inside the complex – even the Sri Sach Khand Sahib. If any soldier “misbehaved” with women, no action is taken against the soldier.
- 15307 soldiers of Indian army were killed and 17897 soldiers were wounded. When the Indian army felt like being defeated, a special reinforcement from Delhi was called in, and the tanks were used.
Actually, the above post from "mysikhfaith" is patently false and fabricated. Not sure if this is deliberate misinformation; it sadly does not say much for the poster's veracity or ability to distinguish fact from fiction.
Surprising that a Veteran with Z Cat security was un covered in London. Private visit does not mean that he is thrown to the wolves. Remember,he had willingly surrendered his life for the cause of the Nation and the Nation is duty bound to protect his life. Wish him a safe and speedy recovery.
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