
Monday, October 13, 2008

Last night something awesome happened with me, perhaps something that my every teacher wanted me to feel
No further riddles, It is the detestable feeling that my teachers got while banging their heads on my illegible handwriting
Fortunately, my handwriting has improved a lot or may be enough to not let a person loose his or her nerves. I say this because I have not received any complaints against my handwriting since last couple of years. However, what wonders me is this guy whose sessional I am holding in my hands. Man!! His handwriting will surely give complex to Darsheel Safari of Tare Zameen Par that somebody else was more worthy for that role.
Well I don’t intend to calumniate or defame this guy. Instead, I should be thankful to him for refreshing the fond and spicy memories related to my so-called handwriting. Let’s rewind back to Ahmedabad when Mrs. Hema , my English teacher once called me out and said,” Samrat it’s hard to understand where you finish a word and when you start another.” Because my handwriting was like…-“c an yo ure ad thi s ???”
Then during summer vacations she gave us an assignment asking everybody to practice Cursive handwriting. Mrs. Hema perhaps thought that children will finally start writing at a greater pace and clearly too… she was right…
Many of my classmates did show signs of improvement. But the worst was yet to come. It was me of course and now my handwriting was like ……ehhh
haphazardly stuffed books in a shelf, some leaning to the left and a few others to right and some unfortunate ones nearly kissing the floor of the shelf. More elaborately, you could call it a rice field sustaining a storm (a friend of mine once said… well he used another metaphor not worth writing here)
A few more metaphors are… as if somebody thrashed a road roller all over my copy…
Now I assume you have a clear picture of what my handwriting looked like.
Another teacher of mine( I hope she is reading this) Mrs. Meeta chakraborty advised me once “Samrat… nobody asks for kinda decorated handwriting from you… all we want is that we can read it at first glimpse… that’s all…”
Well it took next 5-6 years to implement her words but finally I vanquished.
But before that I have yet another incident from the pages of my life…. Way back to 7th class …I was in bhopal by now.
During sept-oct B.Ed undergraduates come to our school as a part of their curriculum. So we were asked to cooperate with them. They were inspecting our class test copies when one of them called me and separately and said” samrat you have such a horrible handwriting!!”
Perturbed and outraged said I “ Mam I have a broken wrist..”
“Samrat I have seen your class work copy… do you have broken boneall through the year???”
I was shocked by this answer. Anyway, as matter of fact she never saw any of my regular copies…
Perhaps coz I never made one…;)
Huh… clever lady… Her name was Ms. Archana and I clearly remember she was wearing a blue sari at the time of this incident… which occurred in front of the cycle stand… (The older one)
Perhaps there are … or will be some incidents and people in my life who I will never ever forget…
Bye … till my next post…..

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